The Paradox of Change
We can only change when we accept ourselves as we are.
Of course, this is easier said than done!
To accept yourself is to be ‘fierce with reality’, as Florida Scott-Maxwell once said.
Self-acceptance is a posture of relating to our self, a compassionate embrace that is achieved through radical self-honesty.
A self-honesty that we would rather not do – because honesty is painful!
But in my experience, the pain of honesty is always worth it.
Honesty is the catalyst for change, because it allows us to see ourselves as we are.
Our strength and weakness.
Our light and our shadow.
But perhaps most importantly, honesty enables us to encounter something within – the tension of our humanity, bearing the image of the divine with infinite potential, yet also cracked and craving restoration. Like broken soil ready for new growth.
And as we look with honest-eyes, accepting ourselves for who we are, we might notice something else. A call to step-out beyond the comfort and security of who we are now, so that we might become who we were created to be.
Are you ready to step?