Successful Failure

Failing at the right things often creates freedom to succeed in what truly matters. Conversely, success in areas of life that do not really matter entraps us in a de-humanizing cycle. This kind of success diminishes our personhood – sure, things look good from the outside, but if we are honest, the façade of success slowly gnaws away within. We become the “two-faced” people who we avowed never to become.

The “real-me” is lost amidst the acclaim and applause of others. Slowly but surely, we grow into this “false-self” who is unrecognizable to the people who know us best. And while we may become proficient in pressing onward as though all is well, it is ultimately to our peril when we ignore the "radar-within" that detects all that is false and disingenuous. Yet many people continue to strive in this way, with disaster ensuing for their mental wellbeing, their families and our communities.

Our character, wellbeing and capacity to relate to people in healthy ways is shaped by what we pursue. While it is true that we are 'human-beings' and not 'human-doings', our 'doing' is of great importance - especially what, how and why we are 'doing'. Because doing shapes our being.

So the question is not, “Will you succeed or will you fail”?

Rather, it is “Will you succeed at the right kind of things in order to become you – the you that we all need…”?


A Portrait of Verge Therapy.